
I am designer living in Charlottesville, Virginia. I was graduated from the University of Virginia in May, 2015 with a degree in Cognitive Science. I also taught a course at the University—Typography and Graphic Design.

I currently work as Marketing Manager for Tom Tom Founders Festival, promoting the creative economy of Charlottesville. I also work as VP of Product & Creative for Alkemy a so-called stealth startup.

I hold that the measure of good design is not what looks cool, but what communicates effectively. I take a typographic approach to all work, positing that the best designs ignore trend and maintain strong essentials.

To produce good work, I work with only three clients at a time. Right now, I am available to take on another client, so feel free to get in touch.

Talk to me:

Email: me@lucasczarnecki.com

Phone: +1 239 297 6297

Find me online:




Lucas Czarnecki speaking at the TEDxCHARLOTTESVILLE open mic night

Photo by Ryan M. Kelly